
BTL Vanquish ME
Hot Springs, AR

If you've been exercising regularly and eating healthy, but you still haven't lost that extra body fat, give us a call! You may be the perfect candidate for vanquish weight loss. A non-invasive treatment that helps remove excess body fat by shrinking and eliminating fat cells, vanquish can help sculpt your body.

Our vanquish machine relies on radiofrequency heat to shrink fat cells. You will notice real results within weeks after your treatment.


Vanquish Weight Loss

There are some areas of fat that even exercise and healthy eating seem to have no impact on. No matter how many calories you burn or salads you eat, there are still little pockets of fat that linger, despite your best efforts. If this is a problem you’re dealing with, you’re not alone. Many people deal with stubborn fat that they just can not get rid of. Thankfully, BTL Vanquish Me at Rockstar Wellness Clinic in Hot Springs, AR is here to help.

What is BTL Vanquish ME?

This is a non-invasive treatment that is designed to target and destroy stubborn fat cells. BTL Vanquish ME is one of the only treatments of its kind that does not require contact with your body to damage the fat cells. It also has a wider range of coverage, making your new body contour more even.

Does Vanquish Work

Does Vanquish Work?

BTL Vanquish ME works by targeting layers of fatty cells with radiofrequency technology. The radiofrequency heats the cells, damaging some of them in the process. Once the fat cells have been damaged, they shrink or die. The body disposes of the dead cells, resulting in a slimmer shape in the treatment area.

What can I expect?

You will come into Rockstar Wellness Clinic for a consultation to ensure you are a good candidate for the treatment. During your treatment, the BTL Vanquish ME machine will surround the treatment area. You may feel a slight warming sensation, but most people describe the process as comfortable and painless. Most people undergo three to four treatments, though that number will vary based on your individual needs.

When will I see results?

Since this process is more natural, it may take time to see results. Most people tend to see results a few weeks after their first treatment, will optimal results being seen a few months after the final treatment. Results will vary since every person and treatment are different. These results to remain the same with the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

What are the benefits of BTL Vanquish ME?

  • Contact-less treatment
  • Comfortable
  • No downtime
  • Natural-looking results

Am I a candidate?

If you have been trying in vain to get rid of stubborn fat but diet and exercise are not enough, you are a candidate for BTL Vanquish ME. It is important to note that this is not a weight loss procedure and should be done when you are close to your goal weight.

Say goodbye to persistent fat with BTL Vanquish ME. Our expert staff is ready to answer any questions you may have about the treatment. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation at Rockstar Wellness Clinic in Hot Springs, AR.

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